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Club Rules


  1. No FIREWORKS allowed on Club property. Anyone not obeying this rule will automatically lose their Club Membership and Club privileges.
  2. NO WAKE speed in the channel and basin to be enforced.
  3. The loading or unloading of paying passengers (charter fishing or sight-seeing) is expressly and specifically prohibited on Club property.
  4. Refrain from profane language at all times
  5. Refrain from loud and excessive noises after 10:00 p.m
  6. Five mile per hour speed limit on roads is to be enforced, members responsible for their guests.
  7. Guests of boat owners will be permitted in dock area only when accompanied by the Boat Owner. No more than six (6) guests will be allowed at dock area at one time. Members are to have guests park their cars or other vehicles away from the dock area.
  8. Member or guest vehicles shall not be left in the roadway while they are away from dock. If vehicles interfere with work crews, the Club reserves the right to remove the car at the owner’s expense.
  9. Dogs will be permitted only on a leash and must be under the direct control of the owner. YOU MUST CLEAN UP AFTTER YOUR PET. As a member, you are also responsible for your guests’ pets.
  10. Each member will keep the area near their dockage or dry storage neat, orderly, lawn mowed (consistent with conditions) and responsibly dispose of their garbage and trash. Screen houses and other structures must be removed from boat storage areas by October 1.
  11. It shall be the responsibility of each club member to assure that all hazardous waste (OIL, PAINT, ANTIFREEZE, WINTER TARPS & PLASTIC COVERINGS,  ETC.) is removed from Club property and disposed of properly.
  12. No exposed refrigerators are allowed on Club property.
  13. No swimming allowed in the basin, dock areas, or channel.
  14. There are to be No campfires in front of boats, whether in a closed container or not. All fires are to be held in one of two burn pits, either at the campground beach or at the marina burn pit.



  • $15.00 daily – Five designated spaces by the pavilion with electric.
  • $10.00 daily – Primitive camping at Camp Delmer – Wheeled vehicles
  • $8.00 daily – Primitive camping at Camp Delmer – Tents

Overnight camping on Club property is limited to Club Members only with current contact information on file.
* Recreational vehicles used for transportation to the Club must park in designated areas.


  • $10.00 Daily – Transient boaters per day dockage

* Must be approved by the Shore Committee.
* Must agree to club rules and have contact information on file.