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By Laws

By-Laws of the Muskegon Conservation Club

Last updated – June 7, 2011

Section 1 – Name-


            The name of this association shall be the Muskegon Conservation Club.

Section 2 – Article of Incorporation-


            This Association shall be incorporated under the Laws of the State of Michigan as a non-profit organization.

Section 3 – Purposes-


             The object of this Association shall be:

  1. To foster conservation, respect for the environment, and fellowship among sportsmen and sportswomen.
  1. To save and faithfully defend from waste the natural resources of the Country–Its air, soil and minerals, its forests, waters and wildlife.
  1. To cooperate with and respect the rights and properties of land-owners.
  1. To assist and cooperate in any way possible with the Departments of Natural Resources and Environmental Quality in the furtherance of this Association’s purpose.
  1.          To promote comprehensive legislation guaranteeing the full benefits of hunting, fishing and other outdoor recreational activities.

Section 4 – Membership-

A          Qualifications


Membership in this association shall be composed of people who subscribe to the purposes of the association as set forth in these bylaws and meet such other requirements resolved by the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors may authorize the formation of auxiliary groups of members by whatever name they choose to operate, provided the purpose and rules of such groups do not conflict with the Bylaws of this Association.

Such groups shall be under the authority of the Board of Directors. Any such group may be disbanded by mutual agreement between the group and the Board of Directors, or by the Board of Directors upon sixty (60) days notice to the officers of such group.

The disbandment by the Board shall be subject to the approval of the membership at the next regular meeting following the disbandment.

  1. Classification

            In addition to the regular membership described herein, the Board of Directors may establish junior memberships for youths under eighteen (18) years of age, social, family, associate, contributing and other similar but non-voting members. Their qualifications and dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

  1. Removal of Members

The Board of Directors may, by a two-thirds vote (2/3), cancel the membership of any member for cause.

An appeal from such decision may be made at the next regular meeting of the Association.


  1. It shall be the duty of every member to obey all Federal and State game laws and report to proper authority any evidence of their witnessed violation.
  1. Dissolution Clause-

Upon the dissolution of this club, its assets remaining after payments or provision for payment of all debts and liabilities of the club shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or shall be distributed to the federal government or to a state or local government for a public purpose. Such distribution shall be made in accordance with all applicable provisions of the laws of this state.


Section 1Officers


                        Officers of this Association shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Financial Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Sergeant-at-Arms. The term of office shall be one (1) year.

Section 2The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall be composed of the current officers, except the Sergeant-at-Arms, and fifteen (15)members at large, to be known as “Directors”, elected by the membership at the annual meeting.  At each election five (5) Directors shall be elected to serve three (3) years.  The immediate past president shall be automatically placed on the Board of Directors as a full voting director for a one (1) year term.

Section 3Election


Elections shall be conducted by popular vote of the membership.  A nominating committee shall be appointed by the President at the meeting of the Board of Directors in November.  This committee shall be composed of three (3) members.

  1. Nominations – No member shall be permitted to run for more than one office, unless the Nominating committee cannot find candidates for each office.
  1. Voting – Voting for Officers and Directors shall be by secret ballot. A majority vote of the members present, including absentee ballots, shall be necessary to elect.  Members shall be permitted to vote by absentee ballot, published in the February issue of the Muskegon Sportsman.  The absentee ballot must be received at the Club mailing address prior to the annual meeting.  In the event a second ballot is necessary for Director; a simple majority will suffice.
  1. Tellers – Shall be appointed by the President to collect and count the votes, which shall then be turned over to the Recording Secretary, who will verify the count and record the same in the minutes of the meeting.
  1. Rights of Ballot – No member shall be allowed to vote at any election who is not a member in good standing and whose dues are not paid at the time of election.
  1. E. Installation of Officers – Newly elected officers shall assume their duties at the first regular meeting of the Association following the annual meeting.


Section 4Vacancy of Office


In the event of a vacancy in any office, the Board of Directors shall, at the next regular or special meeting called for that purpose, appoint a member to fill said vacancy until the next annual meeting.

Section 5Temporary Inability


In the event of temporary inability of an officer to perform his or her essential duties, the Board of Directors may, at a regular Board meeting or a special meeting called for that purpose, designate some other officer or director.


Section 1 – Duties of Officers


  1. A. The President shall:


  1. Preside at all meetings and conduct the order of business.
  2. Appoint all committees.
  3. Countersign all checks issued by the treasurer.
  4. Call special meetings of the Association.  Membership shall be notified ten (10) days prior to the special meeting.
  5. Shall not hold office for more than two (2) consecutive years.
  6. Perform such other duties consistent with the office.


  1. The Vice-President shall:

Assume the full powers and duties of the President in the absence of the President.  The Vice-President shall maintain a book of all current policies of the Association and shall perform such other duties consistent with the office.

  1. The Financial Secretary shall:
  1. Keep accurate account of all property, real and personal.
  2. Keep record of all business transactions of the Association, and shall accept all bills against the Association and present same at the meeting of the Board of Directors.
  3. Draw vouchers in payment of all bills, having been duly sanctioned by the Board of Directors.
  4. Perform such other duties consistent with the office.
  1. The Recording Secretary shall:
  1. Be present at all membership and Board of Directors meetings.
  2. Take notes of all transactions of the Association and record same.
  3. Prepare and mail all notices for meetings.
  4. Assist any of the committees, upon their request, in conducting correspondence for the Association.
  5. Perform such other duties consistent with the office.
  1. E. The Treasurer shall:
  1. Receive all moneys for the Association and deposit same in the name of the Association in a bank selected by the Board of Directors.
  2. Issue and sign all checks in payment of bills against the Association for which vouchers have been drawn by the Financial Secretary and approved by the Board of Directors.  (All checks    shall be counter-signed by the President or, in the absence of the President, other officer whose

            signature is on the bank account.)

  1. Shall file all vouchers on which checks have been issued and retain same as receipts for authority to issue checks.
  2. Keep an accurate set of books listing all receipts, expenditures, deposits, transfers, etc.
  3. Shall make a report on the condition of the treasury at each regular and Board of Directors meetings.
  4. Perform such other duties consistent with the office.

The Association shall provide and pay for a bond to cover the Treasurer.  This bond shall be sufficiently large to cover the liquid assets at all times.

  1. The Sergeant-At-Arms shall:
  1. Be present at all elections and ascertain that all candidates and members voting are members in good standing.
  2. Help maintain order at all regular meetings.
  3. Perform such other duties consistent with the office.

Section 2 – Duties of Board of Directors   


The Board of Directors – It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to conduct the business of the Association in accordance with the newest edition of ROBERTS RULES of ORDER, except the membership has the right to bring up new business at any properly scheduled membership meeting where a quorum is present.

  1. Chairman – The President shall act as Chairman of the Board of Directors, but shall have no vote on the Board except in case of a tie.
  1. Meetings – The Board of Directors shall hold a regular monthly meeting, time and place to be determined at any regular board meeting by a majority vote of the Directors present. Eleven (11) of the Directors present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum.
  1. Special Meetings – It shall be the duty of the President to call special meetings if requested by three (3) members of the Board of Directors.  Special meetings of the Board may also be called by the President at any time, providing a ten (10) day notification to each Board member.
  1. Attendance – Any member of the Board of Directors absent from three (3) consecutive meetings without adequate excuse issued by the President, shall be replaced by the Board of Directors.
  1. Activities – The Board of Directors shall have control of all properties except moneys, which shall be under the jurisdiction of the Treasurer, subject to the order of the Board.


  1. Resignation – Any Board member who submits a written resignation shall be excused from the Board immediately.


Section 1 Membership Meetings

The annual combined board and membership meeting shall be held the first Tuesday in February of each year.  Regular monthly combined board and membership meetings of the Association shall be held on the first Tuesday evening of each month.  The July membership meeting may be canceled by the Board of Directors. The time of the meetings shall be determined by the Board of Directors.  In the event of conflict with official State or National holidays, or due to some unforeseen emergency, the Board of Directors may change the date of such meeting upon proper notice to the membership at large.  At any time the Board of Directors may return to a policy of holding separate meetings for the Board only, in addition to combined meetings.  For the purpose of conducting general membership meeting business of the Association, fifteen (15)members will be considered as a quorum.

Section 2 – Transaction of Business of Board of Directors


            Order of Business

  1. Roll call, eleven (11) of the Directors and Officers present at any meeting to constitute a quorum.
  1. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting.
  1. Treasurer’s Report.
  1. Bills against the order.
  1. Reading of the correspondence.
  1. Reports of committees.
  1. Unfinished business.
  1. New business.

Section 3 – Dues


            All dues for membership shall be set by the Board of Directors and submitted for approval to the general   membership at the Annual Meeting.  A membership shall include a subscription of the MUSKEGON SPORTSMAN, in paper or electronic format.

            Membership categories shall be:

  1. Annual – As set by the Board, and 50% of that amount for Spousal Membership (One pays dues at the current rate, the other at fifteen (15) dollars per year.Only one receives membership in MUCC.)
  2. Life – 15 times the annual amount, or 10 times the annual amount for age 65 or over.(LIFE MEMBERSHIP certificate shall be signed by the President and the Membership Chairperson.)

             All dues are payable in advance.  All dues paid to the Association shall be retained by same.

The fiscal year of the Association will be from the first day of March to the last day of February.

Section 4 – Assessments

            No assessments shall be levied against any member.


Section 1 – Committees

            The Association shall have the following standing committees:

  1. Membership
  2. Board of Building and Property Trustees
  3. Shore Committee
  4. Education
  5. Governmental Review
  6. Audit

            Other committees shall be appointed by the President.  These committees shall be subject to the confirmation of   the Board of Directors.

Section 2 – Duties of Committees


  1. A. Membership Committee

                        It shall be the duty of the Membership Committee to act upon all new membership applications.  The Membership Committee shall act as Prosecution Committee in the event charges of rule violation or

                        undesirability are placed against any member.  The Committee shall gather all evidence of fact and present same, along with witnesses, to a hearing by the Board of Directors.

  1. Board of Building and Property Trustees

                        The Trustees shall administer and have control of the property, both land and building, consistent with a Master Plan approved by the Board of Directors. They shall prepare an annual budget for submission to the Board of Directors at the April meeting of the Board of Directors.  The Trustees shall operate

                        under policy and procedures adopted by the Board of Directors.

  1. Shore Committee

                        This committee shall administer the marina through policy and procedures adopted by the Board of Directors.  They shall submit an annual budget for approval at the April meeting of the Board.

  1. Education Committee

                        This committee shall conduct programs that promote conservation in our schools and the general public. The committee shall also conduct educational safety programs in areas such as hunter safety, boating safety and fishing.  The committee shall establish sub-committees as needed to conduct its programs.

  1. Governmental Review Committee

                        This committee shall review proposed legislation, rules and permit applications as they affect the environment and conservation activities.  The committee shall bring recommendations to the Board of Directors.

  1. Audit Committee

                        The President shall appoint an Audit Committee consisting of the Financial Secretary and two (2) other members at the March Board of Directors meeting. This committee shall prepare or have professionally prepared an audit report for the previous fiscal year.  This report will be submitted to the Board of Directors no later than October.


The Board of Directors shall, upon proof of evidence and after carefully reviewing the case, refuse or cancel the membership of anyone who willfully violates the fish and game laws of this State, or whose actions may prove a detriment to the success of the Association.  Evidence of such violation shall be furnished to the Chairman of the Membership Committee stating the dates, approximate time and place, and the name or license number of the alleged offender. The alleged offender shall be notified of these charges by the Recording Secretary, naming a date and time the Board of Directors will afford the alleged offender a hearing.

In reviewing such cases, the offender shall have the right to furnish witnesses, etc., in his defense.


The By-Laws may be amended only at a regular (combined board and membership) meeting of the Association.

Copies of the proposed amendment shall be signed by five (5) members in good standing and submitted to the President and Recording Secretary in written form.

The proposed amendment will be read and discussed at two (2) consecutive regular (combined board and membership) monthly membership meetings, including the membership meeting at which the proposed amendment is voted on.

Notice of the proposed amendments shall be published in the Association’s official publication at least thirty (30) days prior to the vote.

A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the quorum (at least 11 directors and 15 members in good standing) present shall be necessary to adopt such amendment.

            The Board of Directors shall act as interpreter of the By-Laws.

These are the By-Laws of the


Muskegon Conservation Club as last amended on June 7, 2011