back to all proposals Member to vote on:Proposed Resolution #8 Requires 2/3 MajoritySubmitted by: Eric Braden, Executive BoardPassed: December 2, 2023 Conservation Policy Board MeetingTitle: Boat Registration Fee IncreasesWHEREAS: The Michigan State Waterways Commission (MSWC) Resolution No. 10-2023-02 indicates boat registration fees, along with a portion of the gasoline tax, support the Waterways Funds available for operation and maintenance of recreational boating facilities and water safety law enforcement, these fees have remained unchanged since 1993,and;WHEREAS: a 2019 Waterways Facilities needs assessment concluded that there was a high priority need of $92M just to improve state-administered recreational boating facilities including Harbors and Boating Access Sites in addition there are critical infrastructure needs for the Grant-in-Aid harbors,and;WHEREAS: A recent Interoffice Communication from Ron Olson, the Chief of Parks and Recreation Division reiterated that “Inflation, the costs to operate, and an aging infrastructure remain critical needs with insufficient funding”,and;WHEREAS: In March of 2023 MUCC membership approved a resolution to bring pontoon registration fees in line with other vessels of a similar size,and;WHEREAS: The MSWC recommends that the fees be gradually increased to bring them in line with inflation,NOW;THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: MUCC will work with the legislature, DNR, and stakeholders to increase boater registration fees to ensure that the revenues generated will continue to augment the resources required to operate and maintain the Michigan State Waterways Program, including the public DNR-owned and Grant-in-Aid harbor facilities and boating access sites and the overall infrastructure and operations needed to support a sustainable, statewide recreational boating program.Full Name *You must be a Muskegon Conservation Club Member to vote.Email AddressFor this proposal I vote: *YES - ForNO - AgainstSUBMIT VOTE