back to all proposals Member to vote on:Proposed Resolution #7 Requires Simple Majority Submitted by: Zach Snyder, Region 8 CPB Passed: August 26, 2023 Conservation Policy Board Meeting Title: Recommend Michigan DNR to allow transfer of “remaining” points to those who qualify WHEREAS: currently, applicants who are selected in the bear drawings may transfer their successfully drawn tag success to an eligible person they know, or to an individual on the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) hunt waiting list, and; WHEREAS: currently an eligible person is described as a hunter under the age of 16 who applied and was not drawn for a bear license, or any person who has been diagnosed with an advanced illness, and; WHEREAS: In 2023 140 people were on the DNR wait list, and; WHEREAS: of the 140 on the waitlist only 21 were donated a license, and; WHEREAS: currently, upon purchasing a leftover bear tag, or successfully drawing a bearlicense, bear preference points are reset to zero, and; WHEREAS: many applicants possess an excess amount of points necessary to draw their 12. desired tag, and; WHEREAS: for example, a hunter may have 18 points, but choose to hunt a unit that only requires 8 points to draw their tag, and; WHEREAS: under the current design, those points are reset to zero, rather than a potential 16. remaining points balance, 10 being the remainder from the example given, and; WHEREAS: those remaining points could be transferred, or donated to an eligible person, 18. allowing more youth and those with advanced illness more opportunity to receive a tag, NOW; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that MUCC work with the DNR to allow any points beyond what Is necessary for an applicant to draw their tag to be transferable to those eligible 21. within the already established guidelines of the DNR hunt transfer program.Full Name *You must be a Muskegon Conservation Club Member to vote.Email AddressFor this proposal I vote: *YES - ForNO - AgainstSUBMIT VOTE