back to all proposals Member to vote on:Proposed Resolution #2 Requires 2/3 Majority Submitted by: Richard P. Smith, Life Member Passed: June 3, 2023 Title: Conservation Policy Board Meeting Expanding Michigan’s Bottle Bill WHEREAS: the state’s Beverage Container Deposit Law, which went into effect during December of 1978, has been a major success by reducing litter and increasing recycling among other benefits, and; WHEREAS: more than 90% of the cans and bottles covered under the Container Deposit Law have been returned in most years since the law has been in effect, according to the Department of Treasury, and; WHEREAS: not all beverage containers are covered under the Container Deposit Law such as sports drinks, water bottles, canned and bottled coffee, and tea, and; WHEREAS: drink containers that do not currently have deposits on them make up a significant amount of litter along Michigan roads, and; WHEREAS: expanding Michigan’s Container Deposit Law to include other beverages such as sports drinks, water bottles, coffee, tea, and lemonade would reduce litter from the containers these drinks come in and would further increase recycling of those containers, NOW; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that MUCC will work with state Legislators in drafting Legislation to expand Michigan’s Container Deposit Law to include more types of beverages.Full Name *You must be a Muskegon Conservation Club Member to vote.Email AddressFor this proposal I vote: *YES - ForNO - AgainstSUBMIT VOTE