back to all proposals Member to vote on:Proposed Resolution #15 Requires 2/3 MajoritySubmitted by: Eric Braden, Executive BoardPassed: November 1, 2023 Executive Board MeetingTitle: MUCC Opposition to the Nyberg AmendmentWHEREAS: The Nyberg Steelhead Amendment – Presented during the October NRC Meeting Amends proposed Fisheries order 200.23A,and;WHEREAS: MUCC supports equal access and opportunity of take for all Sportsmen and Sportswomen,and;WHEREAS: MUCC Supports the Natural Resources Commission (NRC) management of Michigan’s Fisheries and Wildlife populations utilizing “Principles of sound scientific Management” as noted in Public Act 377 of 1996 “Proposal G”,and:WHEREAS: MUCC Supports the 2014 Michigan Ballot Initiative (Scientific Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act), where 374,000 sportsmen and sportswomen’s signatures initiated an indirect state statute. The initiative empowered the NRC to be the sole designator of game species and gave exclusive authority to the NRC to regulate sportfishing,and;WHEREAS: The “Michigan Steelhead Management – Large River Creel Surveys to inform status 13. of the fishery”, presenters Seth Herbst and Jay Wesley NRC Fisheries Subcommittee Meeting September 14, 2023, indicated that the steelhead management goal is to provide year-round steelhead angling opportunities to diverse user groups with differing ability levels and preferred fishing methods in Michigan Great Lakes and connected waters. The presentation also included “Steelhead Regulatory Recommendations” to retain existing steelhead regulations, continue to collect information and reassess as the 2027 regulatory sunset approaches as the perceived benefit of the restricted seasonal harvest wouldn’t be realized for several years. Additional “Steelhead Regulatory recommendations” were made under the “Natural Steelhead – Summary of Status” to Provide time to assess fishery dynamics as the Biological evidence does not indicate changes are warranted,and;WHEREAS: The proposed changes within the Nyberg Amendment would represent a restriction 24. of take mid-season creating confusion among anglers,NOW;THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: MUCC strongly opposes the proposed Nyberg Amendment based upon information provided by MDNR Biologists, as outlined in the “Michigan Steelhead Management – Large River Creel Surveys to inform Status of the fishery”, Presenters Seth Herbst and Jay Wesley NRC Fisheries Subcommittee Meeting September 14, 2023,and;BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the NRC work with the MDNR Biologist, State Universities, Organizations and the many Citizens Fisheries Advisory Councils to provide and assess information for the “Science-based” management of Michigan’s Fisheries.Full Name *You must be a Muskegon Conservation Club Member to vote.Email AddressFor this proposal I vote: *YES - ForNO - AgainstSUBMIT VOTE