back to all proposals Member to vote on:Proposed Resolution #13 Requires 2/3 MajoritySubmitted by: UP Whitetails of Marquette County, Region 1Passed: December 2, 2023 Conservation Policy Board MeetingTitle: Include crop damage and DMAP take in harvest reportingWHEREAS: with the implementation of the mandatory registration of whitetail deer harvested, a much improved system of estimating our deer numbers and harvests are in place,and;WHEREAS: the numbers of harvested whitetail deer reported in 2022 by the DNR do not paint the total picture of animals harvested,and;WHEREAS: Crop Damage permits, culls, tribal harvest, and Deer Management Assistance Permits (DMAP) harvested animals are not included in the total deer numbers harvested. See report summary below.,and;WHEREAS: these crop damage and DMAP animals are harvested by landowners and designated hunters and these programs are a management tool. The numbers should reflect on the yearly harvest report totals for the entire state by each county, or deer management unit,and;WHEREAS: as an example. In 2022, the DNR reported that in Menominee County there were 3354 antlered and 2052 antlerless whitetail deer harvested. These numbers on the surface show that hunters in Menominee County harvested substantially more antlered animals,and;WHEREAS: if the crop damage (734) and DMAP (448) harvest numbers for 2022 in Menominee County are added in, the totals would look like the following, 3354 antlered and 3234 antlerless,and;WHEREAS: the conclusion in 2022 by the DNR and posted for Menominee County show that 1⁄3 more antlered deer are being harvested than antlerless when in reality the numbers are almost 50-50 antlered and antlerless,and;WHEREAS: for some counties of the state, these crop damage and DMAP numbers are not as significant. IE in Marquette County for 2022 there were 13 Crop Damage and DMAP antlerless harvests. Other counties like Menominee and counties of lower Michigan will show significant number changes,and;WHEREAS: to fully understand and manage our whitetail deer the sportsmen and women of our state needs to have the best information possible to better manage the resource, especially on private lands,NOW;THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the DNR, to better show the public a more detailed picture of our whitetail deer harvests, add a column to the yearly harvest reports with Crop Damage, culls, tribal harvest, and DMAP numbers listed, and use these numbers in the total yearly harvests.Full Name *You must be a Muskegon Conservation Club Member to vote.Email AddressFor this proposal I vote: *YES - ForNO - AgainstSUBMIT VOTE