back to all proposals Member to vote on:Proposed Resolution #11 Requires 2/3 MajoritySubmitted by: Merle Jones, MTPCAPassed: December 2, 2023 Conservation Policy Board MeetingTitle: Support of Year Round Coyote HuntingWHEREAS: MUCC has long supported controlling the coyote population via hunters and trappers in Michigan passing resolutions supporting nighttime predator hunting with centerfire firearms (2016), allowing the use of #3 and #4 buckshot at night (unanimous vote 2013), expanded hound hunting opportunity at night (2012), and the taking of coyotes during deer season (2010), among others,and;WHEREAS: Coyotes are abundant in all 83 Michigan counties, coyotes have expanded their populations into all major urban areas and Michigan communities continue to struggle with coyote population issues,and;WHEREAS: Coyotes have no natural predators in the majority of their range, coyotes carry diseases like rabies and mange and coyotes have a virtually limitless capacity for population expansion,and;WHEREAS: Coyote population management benefits the ecosystem, coyote health, all MUCC stakeholders, and the residents of Michigan,and;WHEREAS: Hunting is one of the most efficient methods of population management, and modern coyote hunting has experienced participation growth statewide,and;WHEREAS: Damage or nuisance control regulations during any restricted seasons do not allow for the continued statewide take required to effectively keep coyote populations in check,NOW;THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: Michigan United Conservation Clubs support “Year Round” Coyote Hunting, and stand in opposition to any limitations, restrictions or bans that would reduce the opportunities for the vital management of coyote populations, lacking any significant biological justification.Full Name *You must be a Muskegon Conservation Club Member to vote.Email AddressFor this proposal I vote: *YES - ForNO - AgainstSUBMIT VOTE