back to all proposals Member to vote on:Proposed Resolution #10 Requires 2/3 MajoritySubmitted by: Erik Schnelle, Michigan State Council – National Deer AssociationPassed: December 2, 2023 Conservation Policy Board MeetingTitle: MUCC Support For DMU Antlerless Harvest GoalsWHEREAS: under-harvesting or overharvesting antlerless deer can have a damaging effect on deer herds, deer hunting and wildlife habitat,and;WHEREAS: achieving an appropriate level of antlerless harvest is necessary to responsibly manage deer densities, deer health and wildlife habitat quality,and;WHEREAS: the appropriate level of antlerless harvest will vary for every deer management unit (DMU) in the state of Michigan,and; WHEREAS: harvest goals are widely used and a successful tool for managing wildlife and fisheries,and;WHEREAS: Michigan has successfully implemented a mandatory reporting system for deer that enables hunters to track harvest in near real-time throughout the deer seasons and alert hunters on progress toward goal achievement via email,and;WHEREAS: Michigan has a need to harvest more antlerless deer in many parts of the state yet 75% of the state’s hunters won’t shoot an antlerless deer, only 17% of the state’s hunters take one antlerless deer and 8% of Michigan’s hunters take more than one antlerless deer,and;WHEREAS: Antlerless harvest has declined by about 28% over the last 20 years,NOW;THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that MUCC work with the DNR and NRC to implement annually adjusted DMU level antlerless harvest goals, educate and inform hunters regarding those goals, provide in-season information to hunters on goal achievement, and in cases of significant overharvest allows for the closing of seasons or limitation of additional harvest.Full Name *You must be a Muskegon Conservation Club Member to vote.Email AddressFor this proposal I vote: *YES - ForNO - AgainstSUBMIT VOTE